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Dancing at a Concert

Rules for Camps and Events

Rules for Camps/ Events

1. Weapons: Weapons of any kind for any reason are not permitted. This includes pocket knives.
2. Fighting: Is not tolerated at any Youth Outreach United program, camp,retreat or event.

3. Proper Behavior: Is expected. This includes language, gestures, attitudes, horseplay, etc.
4. Visiting Sites: Campers are NOT to exit the sites we are visiting without a chaperone for any reason.

5. Firearms: Matches, lighters, fireworks, firecrackers, etc. are NOT allowed to be brought OR purchased.
6. Cell Phones: Youth Outreach United is NOT responsible for any loss, misuse, unauthorized use, or damage of cell phones.

7. Inappropriate Clothing: Items which are offensive, rude, crude, depicting illicit behavior, are not permitted. Also, Youth Outreach United camp/event shirts CANNOT be altered (cut, written on) in any way. If a camp shirt is altered, a new one will need to be purchased.

8. Insubordination: This includes disregarding the directions given by the leaders or staff or any other staff of the camps/events/facilities we attend.
9. Illegal incidents: Any activities/situations that are illegal (possession or use of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, shoplifting, stealing, vandalism, harassment, etc.) will not be tolerated, and will be handed over to the proper authorities. This also results in an immediate and permanent expulsion from the camp/event.

10. Property Damage: You will be held financially responsible for ANY damage caused to the transportation vehicles or facilities by your actions (graffiti, rips/tears/punctures to the vehicle seats).
11. Check-ins: Churches attending Youth Outreach United camps/events will be responsible for their own group check-ins at designated times and

places when we are away from camp/ event facilities for fun day activities (such as Water Park, fireworks show, zoo etc.).
12. Groups: If not in a “Chaperoned Group” you will be required to stay in groups of 2 or more (no exceptions).

13. Overnight: Leaving the overnight accommodations (rooms), unless for an emergency, will result in the automatic expulsion from Youth Outreach United camp/event. No excuses. Parents will be notified immediately.

We follow a simple color coded warnings system of discipline at Youth Outreach United camps/events. Failure to comply with rules requires parental notification and removal from camp/event and student will be sent home at their own expense.


What Parents

Need to Know

When registering online for a Camp or Event, the parent will be asked if they have legal custody of the student named on the form. Parents are asked to give permission for child, named on form, to attend and participate in activities sponsored by Youth Outreach United and/or The Pinellas Youth Project on the dates specified for the event.

By clicking SUBMIT: the parent/guardian consents to permission and medical release including , but not limited to: any x-ray exam, anesthetic, medical, surgical, or dental treatment, or hospital care upon the recommendation of a physician or dentist licensed under the provisions of the Medical Practice Act. Such treatment and care can be rendered at either a physician's office or hospital.

The Parent/guardian shall be liable and agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurred in connection with such medical and dental services rendered to the aforementioned child. Should it be necessary for child to return home due to medical reasons or otherwise the parent/guardian shall assume all transportation costs.

By clicking SUBMIT: The parent/guardian also gives permission for child to ride in any vehicle designated by the adult in whose care the minor has been entrusted while attending and participating in activities sponsored by Youth Outreach United/The Pinellas Youth Project.

By clicking SUBMIT: Parent/guardian also releases Youth Outreach United/ThePinellas Youth Project and all facilities hosting events from any liability during sponsored activities. 

© 2005-2024 Youth Outreach United

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